Monday, May 31, 2010

Let's Not Forget the Trusty Kayak...

A couple of years ago I asked my wife if I could get a Kayak or canoe for our anniversary. Because she is the greatest wife in the world, she not only obliged me but she got one of the best you can get: an Old Town Twin Otter.

For a fat guy like me who needs all the exercise he can get, I have to tell you that paddling around in this Mercedes of the waters is a wonderful way to put the arms, back and chest through their paces. And I've just started fishing from it. There is something about being two inches from the water line, no motor, just me, my fishing pole and paddle that is, well, is truly relaxing and takes me away from it all.  And of all the times I've gone kayaking, I think the best was outside of Monterey, California on the ocean with sea otters swimming around us.  Incredible.
But there seems to be as many types of kayaks as there are automobiles in the world and find the right one for you can be daunting. There are those types that you see folks shooting through or over rapids (not for me) and there are the little ones where the single paddler seems implanted into the body of kayak but is peddling slow and steady, taking it all in.

I hunted around the Internet for a couple of weeks and came up with my choice.  May not be for everyone but I found it a great and easy way to get into kayaking.   A couple of good sites to learn more about kayaks are here: or or perhaps the best of all which really breaks it down for the beginner (without trying to sell them everything).

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