Saturday, November 30, 2013

Yesterday's Duck Hunt... Meager But Great Fun!

O.K. - in my last post, I mentioned yesterday's duck hunt and intimated we didn't shoot much.  That's true.  Always disappointing when you come home short of your limit.  And we were WAY short of our limit.

But it was our first hunt of the season.  And I was able to go with three family members who have never gone duck hunting before (my brother-in-law, Brendan McCarthy, my other brother-in-law, Bernardo Gauna, and my daughter, Mollie (Quick-Kill) Kelly.  My son, Joe, who is a superb shot and an experienced bird hunter, was also with us.

We hired a young but very good and well-seasoned guide, Logan Jones (if anyone what's his coordinates, shoot me an email - I highly recommend him).   Logan took us to his favorite site on the Rappahanock River just where the it meets the Potomac River.  A picturesque and, on a better day, a superb "kill zone" for ducks and geese.

Since no one had wading boots expect me, we decided to set up a duck blind on the shore.  We had a great time not only setting up the temporary blind Logan brought but also flipping an old picnic table and camouflaging it with branches, sticks and grass.  It was surprisingly quite good and more than doubled our blind space (which, with six people including Logan, was much needed).

We ended up with only two ducks (see the picture of Joe and his duck posing with "duck faces" below).

About halfway through the hunt, we decided to put on the war paint to blur out our pasty white faces (as you can see below... I looked like a tough mudder or a special forces team member...).

It was a great day - just being with the kids and my brother-in-law's.   We are all, I think I can safely say, dedicated duck and goose hunters now.  We had a lot of laughs and a great experience - can you ask for anything else than that?

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